West Pier gives platform for inspired community artists

A supermarket worker is displaying his photographic work inspired by the West Pier in a community exhibition opening on Brighton seafront this month. Bradley Moon is one of 16 artists and photographers whose work all features the power and beauty of the iconic structure, and will be shown at the West Pier Centre in Kings Road Arches, Brighton, from September 12.

Bradley, (31), took up photography after he was bullied at school and it has been his passion since he was 16.

He specialises in photographing nature and landscapes: “I find them easier to deal with than people,” he says.

His exhibition entry is a vibrant, sunny shot of a random photographer taking a picture of the West Pier silhouette at sunset.

 “In a way it’s a self-portrait although it isn’t me taking the photo, but it illustrates how much the pier is photographed and what it means to people. I think it’s a very positive photograph of a cool skeleton ruin.”

Brighton is a very competitive town for creatives and the exhibition aims to include all kinds of artists, many of whom, like Bradley, don’t get their work regularly exhibited.

“There are so many artists in Brighton it’s important to try and be different and have an edge,” says Sally Hand (59), whose painting called Weary captures the rawness and resilience of the West Pier.

Caroline Carter (51), whose submission is a collage of the West Pier says:” I joined Save the West Pier campaign as a youngster and it hit me hard when it was on fire. I want it to be there in Brighton for as long as possible.”

Chris Gil (56), whose photograph shows an enhanced section of the surviving structure says: “I like showing detail of buildings that are recognisable but not in a way you’ve seen them before.”


For more information or to arrange filming or interviews with any of the artists or organisers please contact:

Fiona Macbeth

Fionamacbeth09@gmail.com  07711 540531

Peter Sofroniou thewestpierart@gmail.com 07947 801023

www.westpier.co.uk Insta: @west_pier_trust

West Pier Centre 103-105 Kings Rd Arches BN1 2FN 

September 12 2024-April 1 2025 Friday – Monday 11.00am -4.30pm Free Admission

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