Share your memories and be part of the West Pier heritage project

Sadly, we all know that the skeletal remains of Brighton’s West Pier will not be there forever, but what we can preserve are all those special memories and stories of Brighton’s most famous landmark.

The West Pier Trust is working on a new initiative; a short film portraying your memories and stories in order to capture the pier’s heritage and share the strong bond it has played in the lives of Brighton and Hove residents.

Does the West Pier hold significant memories for you? If you’d like to share your story get in touch with the West Pier Trust today. Maybe you used to play on the West Pier as a child, worked behind the scenes, or trod the boards performing out to sea?

Rachel Clark, WPT Chief Executive says, ‘It’s really important that we capture significant memories and stories to put the pier in context for the next generation. We already have a list of people with some brilliant stories to tell but we know there are a lot more out there’.

To share your memories and stories please email Rachel at    

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